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Parent Club

Colorful Wood Blocks


Encourage Englewood Elementary School parents and community members to participate in activities which enrich our children’s school lives through:

  • Providing parental assistance & information about Englewood programs
  • Sponsoring student activities & organizations
  • Raising funds to provide materials, equipment & activities not included in the school budget
  • Build a network of support for young people by linking home, school & community
  • Creating a partnership that combines resources of home & school to provide consistent guidance & support for our students
  • Providing support for school educational, recreational & social actvities

Get involved!

Research shows that when parents get involved, children:

  • get better grades
  • do better on tests, and
  • have fewer discipline problems at school.


Get to know the principal, teachers, staff members, and other parents who share your desire to create the best possible educational experience for Englewood students. The typical agenda includes reports from school staff updating parents on what is going on at school, opportunites and upcoming activities.

Date: 2nd Thursday of the Month
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Englewood Library

Childcare is provided during the meeting free of charge!

Contact PTC

If you have questions or if you would like volunteer:

 Email Englewood

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  Englewood's Parent Club on Facebook